Probate Mastermind #106

Probate Mastermind #106

Call Summary: Why you should not focus on the Deceased Last Address when prospecting.How to handle the “cash offer” conversation with prospects and how to determine the investor price without being a construction expert and even from your desk.What new subscribers can...
Probate Mastermind #106

Probate Mastermind #105

Call Summary: Overview of Probate Mastery and why you have a 70% higher success rate as a CPEHear a new Subscriber report on his initial phone prospecting success and share some pointers for others.Should you prospect during the holidays? Should you call surviving...
Probate Mastermind #106

Probate Mastermind #104

Call Summary: Great call today guys! Some unique questions/comments/deals were discussed including:How to handle out-of-state listing appointments by leveraging technologyDo professional certifications matter?We dissect a difficult probate listing situation and offer...
Probate Mastermind #106

Probate Mastermind #103

Call Summary: We discuss how to get your first mail campaign out and who to mail toWe summarize our services and discuss conversion rates with an agent who is about to sign upWe discuss the functionality of the CRM that is included in your subscriptionWe discuss when...
Probate Mastermind #106

Probate Mastermind #102

Call Summary: Hear why you SHOULD prospect during the holidaysHear some ideas on what you can do in addition to the 3 letter/3 call approach to get better results.Hear Chris, a new subscriber, in a SUPER competitive market talk about taking 2 listings right off the...