Category: Communication

Tips for Writing Effective Yellow Letters

The more technologically-advanced the world gets, the more some of us are tempted to abandon methods of communication that seem quaint and out-dated. Well, a yellow letter is a method of communicating with sellers that seems quaint on the surface but can be effective when it is crafted in the correct manner. In other words, communicating with potential sellers is never going to be out-dated. And communication – both written and oral – is a large part of what we as real estate professions do.

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Mailing Mistake May Miss Million$

It’s always great when I can share a tip from a subscriber … especially when that subscriber is one of our oldest and most successful. I had the pleasure of learning this info yesterday in just such a conversation. I was speaking with this subscriber about a technical question he’d called me about. After answering his technical question, he mentioned that he was really excited to be back on track after changing brokers in the middle of last year. Based on a previous conversation, I knew that he’d been the new office’s agent of the month several times already and had enjoyed a couple of million dollar months, so I was curious about what “back on track” meant. His answer was enlightening.

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Are you a matchmaker or a wedding planner?

I saw this great picture posted on a friend’s Facebook page and I thought it was worth sharing and discussing a bit. All too often, we get all tied up in the mechanics of the work we do every day.  That can make us lose sight of the fact that the people we are dealing with every day are making one of the biggest decisions they’ll ever make

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