Probate Mastermind #44

Probate Mastermind #44

Call Summary: Win report on new subscriber who listed 3 properties on the first round of letters and personal calls.How a new(ish) subscriber kept in touch with us and we spent the time to figure out better ways to approach this campaign in his market.Chad shares his...
Probate Mastermind #44

Probate Mastermind #43

Call Summary: Why YOU should personalize your letters to fit your business and your market.Why you should consider Probate a long-term campaign and not quit if your first letter gets no response.Chad discusses live calls vs. automated dialing, why some homes are sold...
Probate Mastermind #44

Probate Mastermind #42

Call Summary: How to open the initial conversationHow following the MIT study in Step 5 of Subscriber Resources can achieve a 50% contact rateHow Chad Corbett only goes on listing apts. on Mon. & Fri. and prospects on Tue. – Thur.How to turn a “not interested”...
Probate Mastermind #44

Probate Mastermind #41

Call Summary: We discuss the cumulative effect with a new subscriber off to a slow startWhat to expect from a SlyBroadcast campaignThe timeline of when you get leads after a death (median is 68 days BTW) and...