Probate Mastermind #153

Probate Mastermind #153

Call Summary: WE ARE PROUD TO ANNOUNCE OUR AUTOMATED ISA/CALLING SERVICES!Update on Probate Plus programA non-subscriber picks our brain on why his campaign isn’t workingWhat is the best marketing approach?We hear from a subscriber who is struggling with call...
Probate Mastermind #153

Probate Mastermind #152

Call Summary: How to get started on the phonesHow to get leads into mojo dialerHow to opt out certain zip codesWill this work in rural markets? What’s different about selling farms?Rodger shares his experience with rural properties and how he has built a strong pillar...
Probate Mastermind #153

Probate Mastermind #151

Call Summary: Options for working with PR’s that want to sell a property that has tenants living itStarting tips for new subscribersCan you take the Mastery Class at your own pace?Is it normal to have a PR and Decedent with the same address?How can you warm up your...
Probate Mastermind #153

Probate Mastermind #150

Call Summary: Rick shares a couple of successes and we discuss how better questions and layering value can accelerate the pace of the transaction.We discuss 2 scenarios Belinda is working on. How can she get an occupant out so the family can sell?Jim shares a success...